Monday 27 March 2017



The liver is an organ about the size of a soccer ball, which is located just below your ribs on the right side of your abdomen. Without your heart, you cannot digest food and absorb nutrients, eliminate toxic substances from your body.
All of our organs contain some level of fat. Fat cells are used for protection, and they are a great source for additional energy saving. If the amount of fat above the normal level, it will be stored in the liver and various other tissues. Normal liver contains about 5% fat. The other 95% of the liver consists of liver cells called hepatocytes, which are responsible for doing all the work of the heart.

Liver function as
An organ that breaks down toxic. This organ decompose toxic substances means that almost all taken to heart and liver will decompose before they can be eliminated from our body.
In additions, liver is also responsible for synthesizing amino acids of the protein substance that can help repair our bodies.
Skin, hair, and membrane cells are constantly replaced by new cells and this process can be done with the heart, supplying amino acids.
When the enzyme and hormone damaged it cannot break down fat and excess fat accumulates inside liver cells and cause fatty liver leads to liver damage.
This condition causes stomach bloated and difficult deflated.
When the amount of fat exceeds 10%, some cells of healthy liver cells are replaced by fat, which eventually lead to a fatty liver.

Symptoms of Fatty Liver

1-white colour eye membrane becomes yellow
2-abdominal pain often occurs in the upper abdomen
3_Urine becomes yellow and cloudy
4_ Strong mouth smell
5_Often nausea vomiting
6_smelly body
7_body often feel tired
8_Immune system will become weak and often get disease

Fatty liver disease (FLD)
 It is a situation where large vacuoles of triglyceride fat accumulate in the liver cells into intracytoplasmic vacuoles.

 TYPES Fatty Liver
There are two main types of fatty liver:
 1-A fatty liver ALCOHOL.
 2-A fatty liver NON-ALCOHOLIC (NALFD).
Fatty liver disease caused by alcohol
Drinking alcohol can lead to liver failure a slow and progressive. The first phase of liver disease may be a fatty liver. If the patient continues to practice drinking alcohol, the liver cells gradually die and are replaced by scar tissue. Excessive scar tissue can lead to liver failure and / or cirrhosis.

Food habits: eating high-fat concentrated, fried food with high cholesterol; “fast food”; sugar rich snacks. Lack or very low physical activity.  Being overweight or obese.
Some people with a fatty liver get unpleasant symptoms like fatigue, abdominal bloating and indigestion, however most people get no symptoms at all. If you carry excess weight over your abdomen, you probably have some degree of fatty liver. Fat does not just sit on the outside; actually it creeps into your internal organs, including your liver.

Cause Fatty Liver
1- When you have excess weight (obesity)
2- When too much intake of chemicals medicine
3- Excessive alcohol consumption
4- People with diabetes
5- Too much intake of vitamin A cause vitamin A poisoning
6- Lack of nutrition or as a result of a diet low in protein
7- Too much fatty food

However, the treatment depends on the reading of liver enzymes (GGT). Fat in the liver can be seen through liver function tests or scans. When patients undergo a scan, white spots will appear on the liver if they have fatty liver.

Tips for prevent fatty liver

1- Avoid eating fatty and fried foods
2- Reduce drinking dairy, milk, cheese, margarine and butter
3- Reduce intake of carbohydrate, such as bread, rice, sweet and noodles
4- Reduce drinking sweet drinks
5- Avoid eating foods from internal organs such as kidney, liver, lung containing high cholesterol.
6- Eat lots of fruits.
7- Lower the weight.
8- plenty of exercise.
9- Eat more protein to help increase your blood sugar stable and reduce hunger with less food

Fresh fruit can also help cleanse the liver, but you should be careful when eating it as certain fruit also contain high sugar and insulin can cause problems.
Eat more protein. Protein does not have any harmful effects on blood sugar or insulin levels. If anything, the protein can help keep your blood sugar levels stable. Protein also reduce hunger, so it will be easier for you to eat less and lose weight.
Simply get your protein from healthy sources, such as eggs, poultry, lean meats, seafood, legumes, whole grains and low fat dairy products.

Sabah Snake Grass

An alternative to flush uric acid in the blood.
Sabah snake grass also can be used to treat fatty liver. The Sabah Snake Grass is not toxic. It has a very high content of flavonoids, and contain a variety of minerals needed by the body. It is also rich in vitamins and amino. It also acts as a good antioxidant agent. It also good for the heart failure. The function of antioxidants is to reduce the effects of free radicals in the body, and can remove excess uric acid in the blood. In addition, it not only serves as an anti-oxidant, but is able to slow the growth of cancer cells and also can kill the cancer cells.
Sabah snake grass also can revive the dead cells in the body. it is able to restore liver function. With practice Sabah snake grass is also a good alternative.

Sri amar Sabah Snake Grass

Formulated to treat fatty liver and other diseases. Free from preservatives, no chemicals. Our plants are grown in organic make our products give the impression that is very encouraging.

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  1. This is a very helpful and informative article! It's frightening sometimes when we see what's inside our liver from time to time, especially if we have the habit of eating too much fat-filled food. Thank you for sharing.

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