Wednesday 22 February 2017


What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses. It is often caused by bacterial (germ) infection. Sometimes, viruses and fungi (molds) cause it. People with weak immune systems are more likely to develop bacterial or fungal sinusitis. Some people with allergies can have "allergic fungal sinusitis." Acute sinus disease lasts three to eight weeks. Sinus disease lasting longer than eight weeks is considered chronic.
The sinuses are air-filled cavities. They are located:
  • Within the bony structure of the cheeks
  • Behind the forehead and eyebrows
  • On either side of the bridge of the nose
  • Behind the nose directly in front of the brain 

    Normal sinuses are lined with a thin layer of mucus that traps dust, germs and other particles in the air. Tiny hair-like projections in the sinuses sweep the mucus (and whatever is trapped in it) towards openings that lead to the back of the throat. From there, it slides down to the stomach. This continual process is a normal body function.
    Sinus disease stops the normal flow of mucus from the sinuses to the back of the throat. The tiny hair-like "sweepers" become blocked when infections or allergies cause tiny nasal tissues to swell. The swelling traps mucus in the sinuses.

    What Are the Symptoms of Sinusitis?

    Common symptoms of sinusitis include:
    • Postnasal drip
    • Discolored nasal discharge (greenish in color)
    • Nasal stuffiness or congestion
    • Tenderness of the face (particularly under the eyes or at the bridge of the nose)
    • Frontal headaches
    • Pain in the teeth
    • Coughing
    • Fever
    • Fatigue
    • Bad breath

    What Are the Causes of Sinusitis?

    ·         Virus, Bacterial and fungal infections
    ·         Allergies, Asthma, and Immune Response
    ·         Structural Abnormalities of the Nasal Passage

    Sinusitis treatment
    ·         Antibiotics
    ·         Nasal decongestant sprays
    ·         Nasal saline washes
    ·         Surgery

    Sabah Snake Grass

    An alternative to flush out uric acid and antioxidant in the blood.
    Sabah snake grass also can be used to treat kidney failure. The Sabah Snake Grass is non-toxic. It has a very high content of flavonoids, and contain variety of minerals needed by the body. It is also rich in vitamins and amino. It also acts as a good antioxidant agent and flush out toxin from the body and suitable for sinusitis problem. The function of antioxidants is to reduce the effects of free radicals in the body, and can remove excess uric acid in the blood. In addition, it not only serves as an anti-oxidant, but is able to slow the growth of cancer cells and also can kill the cancer cells.
    Sabah snake grass also can revive the dead cells in the body. With practice Sabah snake grass is also a good alternative.

    Sri amar Sabah Snake Grass

    Formulated to treat sinusitis and other diseases. Free from preservatives, no chemicals. Our plants are grown in organic make our products give the impression that is very encouraging.

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